A Virtual Gathering Place

NoFucks Bar and Grille is a virtual gathering place serving raw content food for thought.

This Hawaii jungle garden backyard on the slopes of the Kilauea volcano is where we're breaking ground and setting up shop.

Cool mountain air, jungle noises, frequent rains and equally frequent sunshine every day is our ideal peaceful environment for creating a life from simply living day to day.

NoFucks Bar & Grill is where we share our journey's tales of discovery.


Hi, My Name is Krisada,

I’m the...bus boy, dishwasher,
host & owner of NoFucks™ Bar & Grill

Welcome to my virtual happy place of ideas, conversations & safe haven for just about anything in between.

This is where raw content is checked in, inspected and transformed into deliciously nourishing food for the soul.

Come and go as you please.

You are always welcome back as an honored guest and we hope that you find something here worth returning for.

~ Krisada